Pigmentation and Sun Spots

Pigmentation spots arise from a wide range of factors. Whether it's the effects of aging, prolonged sun exposure, or accompanying medical conditions, Dr. Zarchi's professional team offers you consistently effective solutions. It's time to get acquainted with the latest innovations in aesthetics and enjoy smooth, even skin with a personalized, easy, and brief treatment plan.

Everything you need to know


Treatment Objectives

The treatment provides an effective solution for age spots, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, minimizing blemishes, and any other skin discoloration. Anyone dealing with uneven skin tone can benefit from the treatment plan.


How Does the Procedure Work?

The pigmentation and sunspots treatment plan may include laser treatment, chemical peels, or specialized creams that promote melanin production. These treatments work by breaking down excess pigmentation, promoting cellular turnover in the skin, encouraging collagen production, and enhancing uniformity in skin texture and tone.


Duration of Treatment

The duration of the treatment will depend on the type and severity of pigmentation, your unique skin characteristics, and the number of sessions required.


Pain Level

The treatment may be accompanied by mild discomfort. Cooling techniques and numbing agents will help alleviate the sensation of burning and pain.


Post-Treatment Care

To ensure optimal results and prevent complications, it is essential to adhere to all the instructions provided by the doctor, avoid exposing the treated area to the sun, and use a high-level sunscreen.


Recovery Time

Recovery time varies depending on the nature and intensity of the treatment plan. In most cases, the healing process will take several weeks.

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