Upper Third Facial Features

What Causes Temporal Hollowing? Temporal hollowing is a natural consequence of aging, marked by the gradual loss of bone density and fat volume in the temporal area. Collagen and elastin, vital proteins for skin elasticity, also diminish over time, contributing to a less firm and supple appearance. This progressive thinning of tissues affects not only the temples but also other facial regions. Consequently, there is a growing interest in volume restoration treatments for the upper third of the face, leveraging advanced injection techniques to replenish lost tissue volume effectively and safely. At Z Clinic, led by Dr. Zerach, we specialize in various volume restoration procedures tailored to individual needs. With over a decade of expertise, our clinic is renowned for delivering exceptional results in facial aesthetics.

Everything you need to know


Treatment Objective

At Z Clinic, led by Dr. Zerach, we specialize in various volume restoration procedures tailored to individual needs. With over a decade of expertise, our clinic is renowned for delivering exceptional results in facial aesthetics.


How Does the Procedure Work?

During the initial consultation, our skilled physician assesses the extent of fat depletion and changes in bone structure in the temporal region. Aesthetic considerations, along with the patient’s medical history and desired outcomes, are thoroughly discussed. Facial contours are meticulously analyzed to customize the treatment plan according to the patient’s unique features and preferences. Using precise injection techniques, the filler is delicately administered to the targeted area, instantly rejuvenating the appearance.


Treatment Duration

Approximately thirty minutes.
Post-Treatment Instructions: As with any injectable procedure, there is a minimal risk of infection. Patients are advised to refrain from sleeping on one side and engaging in strenuous activities for the first 24 hours after treatment. Additionally, direct contact with the treated area should be avoided during this initial period.


Recovery Time

Typically, several days are required for full recovery, during which patients can expect to enjoy gradual improvement in their facial appearance as the filler settles and integrates with the surrounding tissues.



Managing Discomfort

As with any injection treatment, there is a slight risk of infections. It is recommended to avoid sleeping on one side, strenuous activity or touching the area in the first 24 hours.


Recovery Time

The recovery time for neck skin treatments is minimal, and patients usually return to full activity immediately after the treatment. Sometimes a slight swelling may appear which will pass within a few hours to days.

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